blogging gobbledygook and such

Guest Post by 9!

This is the only non-blogger who is guest-posting, so this is very special to me. But 9 has been a special person to me in college and one of the most loving and open people I know, so this makes it doubly special. 🙂 I bawled after reading this, like a couple of other guest posts. Bah, I’m such a crybaby. Enjoy.

Sulz. Okay, I’m no lurker.. I constantly, no, religiously read your blogs but given the techy-zero-potential me, I don’t see why I must be a registered-guest-reader thingy.. Anyhoo.. since you asked for it, with chocolate sprinkles on the top, I’ll write about how I got to know you and how much I love you.

The first moment when we met each other, we hated each other. I think we would slit each other’s throat & wrists given the chance.. Haha.. Over who get to go first at our faculty’s water-cooler during our orientation week. I almost fainted when I eventually found out that we were to be coursemates and we’d be stuck with each other for the next 3 years! Hence, I chose to click ‘ignore’. If my memory serves me well, we didn’t talk to each other in class throughout the first 2 semesters. Or was it 3? Ignoring to talk to her doesn’t mean ignoring to observe her personality right? That’s me, a fly on the wall. I wouldn’t say I’m an observer kinda person, that sounds too intellectual for me..

One day, I suddenly plucked up the courage to talk to her. I can’t remember what our conversation was all about but I believe I felt comfortable talking to her. The more I get to know her, the stronger the connection I felt with her. In a very short time, absurd as it may sound, I knew she’d be a friend I could keep for life.

What I love most about Sulz is her passion for everything she does in life. Her love for reading. Her love for shopping. Her love for bookmarks. Her love for friends. Her love for her blog. I truly admire her strong spirited personality. Although at times she may seem inconfident with herself but heck, this girl sure does know her thing. I love her for that. I love her for her openess to everything. Which means, I am able to talk to her about almost anything! Almost anything because I only know almost anything, I don’t know everything. She listens to you and she gives you her opinion without judging you. She advises you and she advises you with love.

Another reason why I love Sulz is because she’s my saviour. She’s my hero. When I couldn’t wake up early enough to register for my courses, she’d be the one to register for me. When I failed a paper, she was there to comfort me and to offer me alternative solutions to lessen the damage. Which thankfully, after speaking to my lecturer (as Sulz strongly advised me to do so), I managed to scrape through a pass finally. She was there during my darkest and happiest moments. She’s one of the first to be 100% happy & excited for me when I started dating. She’s the one that makes the effort to constantly ask me of my well being and relationship updates. She’s always there for me. I love her for being her. And I will always love Sulz for the rest of my life. My boyfriend gets jealous sometimes over the amount of attention I give her all the time, but I would never give her any less attention because of my boyfriend’s jealousy. Like it or not, he’s gotta live with it!

*evilgrin* She’s MY Sulz.

Err, guys, I’m still available! (We don’t do threesomes, though, much as she loves me & I her!)

Comments on: "Guest Post by 9!" (11)

  1. Now this is what I like to read…someone who knows real time Sulz ….and what a tribute this is as well. You need to read this Sulz whenever you feel lonely or unloved. It is heartwarming to hear of the lengths she will go to and the depth of her commitment to her friendship with you nine…thank you for sharing that with us.

    sulz: oh, i’m very lonely and unloved here in macau… i can’t wait to get home, i miss home so much. and i can’t wait to write about my life-changing experience here.

  2. Ah!!! This was some sneak peek. 😀 The hidden Sulz. Its great to have even one person who can say something like this for you. I think that is a huge achievement.

    sulz: oh, means i’m not this good online huh?? hmmph. 😛

    you’re right. i love 9 with all my heart!

  3. Ahh this is awesome!

    We finally get to see the point of view of someone in real life.

    For a while I thought this was a romantic-love declaration. Haha.

    sulz: and she said she felt shy about it being published; she didn’t know that it was for guest-posting, haha.

    i guess we’re (me included) all impatient for me to get a love life huh? first people tried to pair me up with ish, who turned out to be my son instead. 😀 now ish thinks i’m with juan. -_- will this teasing ever end!!

  4. Oh, wow, sulz! This is breathtaking! Friendship is a powerful and special thing.

    sulz: i agree, i cried reading it. i’m so glad i found such a friendship in the best years of my life.

  5. Sniff, sniff! 😉 I got a little choked up when I read this, too. 9, you seem like a very excellent friend as well, and as we’re all sulz fans over here, I’m glad she has a friend like you. I suspected she is more skilled socially than she lets on. People who get to know her, as you have, know how special she really is. Thank you so much for sharing “your” sulz with us!

    sulz: sigh, if i’m so socially skilled i wouldn’t be having a situation i’m having now! which i will of course tell when i get back. 🙂

  6. Oh My God, Sulz is actually a real person? OMG. I thought she was a robot! Actually no, because that would mean me being a robot too. Ah forget it, this isn’t making sense.

    Great post, 9!(why 9?). I wish I had friends like you have, Sulz. Damn you. 😛

    sulz: it wouldn’t ‘cos you’re adopted. i mean, we haven’t exactly found your biological father have we? 😆

    i’m sure you have loads more friends than i do, mr popular. look at the number of comments on each of your blog posts!

  7. A sulzy post from a non-sulz person? That confirms that Sulzness is viral in nature and conquering M’sia! 😛

    sulz: nah, i’m not into conquering or commanding. except one guy’s heart. 😉

  8. lovelyloey said:

    Very nice. Heartbaringly honest and sincere.

    It’s just so nice to hear that Sulz has such a friend who cares for and loves her so much. And for all that care and concern I concede that 9 deserves Sulz. 😛

    sulz: 9 is the most open person i know, and with her i can be very affectionate without feeling stupid. maybe she deserves me but i don’t deserve her – that’s meant in the best way possible! she’s been my rock during my rocky time in macau.

  9. […] 9 has done things for me nobody else has ever done, not even guys I used to like (or still like). 9 sent me to the airport when I left for Macau – my parents didn’t even want to send me (’cos they don’t know the way to the airport). 9 wrote letters for me to read during my month in Macau, a la PS I Love You. 9 bought me some pretty expensive presents for my birthday. 9 took care of my graduation robe stuff because I couldn’t do it when I returned from Macau (because I came home with fever and jet lag – I couldn’t go out for several days from fatigue). 9 took me around her hometown, eating some of the best food I’ve ever tasted (sate celup! chicken rice balls!). She even guest posted in my blog. […]

  10. – переезды квартирные, дачные и многое другое.
    – руководители;
    – перевозки мебели, офисных принадлежностей и так далее.
    – офисный переезд, где находится большая команда;
    – собирают только настоящих профессионалов данного дела. Имеется ввиду, что в таких компаниях работают экономисты, бухгалтера, водителя, физически подготовленные грузчики и так далее.
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    – высокий сервис, а также конечный результат;
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