blogging gobbledygook and such

I moved into my new room three weeks before Chinese New Year.

No exclamation mark because am too doggone tired and achy to celebrate. Also, still not yet used to sleeping in new bed and new room.

But don’t get the impression I did all the moving from one room to another in one day. It was done gradually. First, I bought the writing table. (Before that, the room was cleared and the walls painted turquoise!) Next, I filched M’s chest of drawers because I couldn’t find one I like and is cheap enough at the nearby furniture shop – hers wasn’t what I really wanted but it matches the colour scheme of the furniture in my room – natural wood. And it’s nice anyway. Then I bought my bookshelf from Ikea and set it up all by myself. I was real chuffed because it’s my first time doing something remotely DIY. I mean, I couldn’t even carry the flat-packed box in Ikea because I was alone and girly and wearing skirt and tights and nobody even helped me to put the heavy box onto the trolley despite many people seeing me struggling with it. But I could set the damn thing up all by myself!! Eat my shorts, people!

Okay, got a bit carried away there. I mean, it’s not brain surgery or anything. Anyway, after that, I got my curtains and single bed (boo, no more queen size luxury). The day after my bed arrived, I went to Ikea again to get my wardrobe as well as meet up with 9 for lunch. And yes, I bought the wardrobe on my own, with some help from 9, and set it up all by myself again, hence the aches, fatigue and a sore right thumb from 4 hours of setting it up, including half an hour rubbing my eye out when a wood splinter went inside my eye. Eat my shirt, people!

Um, right, carried away again. I don’t want to end up naked from my aggressive triumphantness, now… So all that took around a month, perhaps?

Let’s total up my purchases:

1. RM150 Writing table
2. RM100 Bookshelf
3. RM300 Bed plus mattress
4. RM85 Bedsheets
5. RM60 Curtains
6. RM200 Wardrobe
7. Free bureau (chest of drawers)
Grand total: RM895

Oh dear… did I spend that much? It didn’t feel like it… probably because I’m owing M a lot of money still. -_- I’m absolutely broke for the month and will have to bring lunch from home several times a week now. Will not help in work relations, but oh well, sacrifices have to be made!

What I’m proud of is that I set the bookshelf and wardrobe up by myself. The parents hardly helped except to clear the boxes and Styrofoam. Not because I didn’t want them to but because they don’t know how to. So when push comes to a shove, I can actually do a lot of things on my own. Granted, the wardrobe is not totally perfect because I banged the nails the wrong way in some places and the wood splintered a bit, but you can’t see it ‘cos it’s at the back anyway. And the door on the right side is lopsided and does not close properly unless you jiggle it in a certain way. And the wardrobe wobbles a little. But I did it on my own, okay. Made by 100% oestrogen and excitedness to arrange clothes in new cupboard!

I like my new room, but it’ll take me a while to get used to it. It’s slightly colder and noisier than my previous room, but I have more space to walk about this time. And I’m getting slightly obsessed with boxes because I keep putting all my stuff in them so that they won’t get dusty easily and it keeps everything looking tidy. Even my underwear are placed in boxes. And stuff in the bureau are in boxes too.

I don’t have a camera, so this is a rough sketch blueprint of my room.

Comments on: "My First Accomplishment of the Year" (13)

  1. That’s so cool! And putting that all together is very impressive!

    You’ve been watching The Simpsons recently, haven’t you?

    sulz: thanks! i know! :mrgreen: haha, no, for some reason that phrase just came to mind.

  2. lovelyloey said:

    Ooooh I love fixing Ikea flatpack furniture. Kinda like Lego for adults. Heheheh.

    sulz: i don’t really love doing it, but i definitely feel a sense of accomplishment after doing it! especially if it doesn’t wobble, but so far my bookshelf and wardrobe wobbles, bleh. 😆 which reminds me, i also set up the poang armchair for the mother previously! but no triumphant feeling then, strangely.

  3. congrats on your new room!!

    sulz: hehe, thanks! 🙂

  4. looks cozy… 😛 congrats on the takeover.

    sulz: wah, can visualise some more? so terror. 😆 like corporate situation only, lol.

  5. Lovely…

    Turquoise walls I think will look beautiful… and all the pastel shade bed sheets will look lovely in the room then!


    sulz: thank you! well right now my bedsheets are white with big, black flowers on them. got them from ikea, i love bold designs like that!

  6. Well, I guess congratulations are in order for your room. THis is Chinese year of Ox? Did it begin today?

    sulz: hehe, thank you! when chinese new year comes it will be the year of the ox… my year, in fact! 😀 cny is on 26 january.

  7. Get a camera from some one and get clicking! 🙂 I so wish we had Ikea here. I used to love that shop! Congrats on moving into your room 🙂

    sulz: i’ll try. i love it too. you should see my parents, like kids let loose in a toy store… i have to tell them not to buy things, as opposed to them telling me! thanks apar. 🙂

  8. If I’m required to eat several items of your clothing, may I at least put sauce on them?
    Actually, on second thought, I’d prefer you keep your clothes AND your sense of accomplishment! You really got a lot of new things. It’s almost like a studio apartment in there. I’m very proud of you for putting together all these things. Happy New Room! 😛

    sulz: rotfl! yeah you wouldn’t want to lose your appetite. 😀 yeap, new year, new start, new everything! 😛 thank you.

  9. Happy New Room Sulz! Are you going to have a room warming party?

    Well done on the flat pack too – the instructions for those things are always awful…

    sulz: thank you! i wanted to do that, actually, but i think it would seem quite weird to the friends i want to invite, lol.

    yeah, that’s what i worry about flat packs – that i don’t understand the instructions or think i do but doesn’t work! now i’ve discovered i can do a bookshelf and a cupboard. what’s next? 😀

  10. I love setting up furniture and painting and doing all those things. It’s entertaining. I had fun doing my bedroom… though nothing was really new.

    You have to take a picture sometime. Although I like the sketch. Why is there some irregular orange creature on your doorway?

    sulz: fun, but tiring! with the new room, though, rearranging the furniture will be quite easy as i have more space to shift things about!

    i definitely will when i have the chance! lol, random thing to show the space the door occupies when it’s opened. 😆

  11. Congrats on moving into your new room! Get a camera and click away! I also love shopping at Ikea—it’s my DisneyLand 🙂

    sulz: thanks. 🙂 cross fingers, i will soon! it’s often a family’s domestic disneyland, ikea… something about seeing nice furniture and imagining them in their own home. 😉

    hope you’re feeling better after your loss. 😦

  12. Yes, thanks for the concern. With such wonderful family’s and friends like yourself, it’s comforting especially during such tough times. Guess… life has to go on.

    sulz: i’m hardly wonderful… yeah, life goes on, always.

  13. oh congrats! i could just read a few lines……just broke my spectacles by sitting on them 😦
    so cnat read the entire post….though commenting also took a little strain…but i will read it soon.
    in btw when did chinese year begin?

    sulz: goodness, what bad luck! 😦 chinese new year is on 26 january. hope it doesn’t cost a bomb replacing your glasses!

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