blogging gobbledygook and such

This is my more down-to-earth want to do list, rather than the sort of list of, say, things you want to do before you die.

1. Have the next Movie Night with Angel and Sesat
2. Pack for Bangkok (it’s way too early, but I love packing, that’s part of the fun of travelling!)
3. Clean room and rearrange furniture for incoming bookshelf
4. Arrange books in bookshelf in alphabetical order according to author
5. Improve my English by doing exercises in a grammar book I found
6. Improve my proficiency in a foreign language I’ve previously learnt, either through class or self learn
7. Prepare for my blogging project

The thing with want to do lists is that it’s so flexible because you don’t have to do it, you just want to. Unlike paying bills and turning up for work. Now that I barely have time to just chill and leisurely go about my day, I’m often thinking about what I have to do next. In the morning, I’m quickly going through my Internet routine because soon I have to go to work. In the evening after getting home from work, I’m quickly going through my evening routine because I have to go to work the next day. So a lot of times, things I want to do are pushed behind the things I have to do.

However, it’s that flexibility of want to do lists that usually ends up with us not doing a lot of things in said list. We postpone it for the many other pressing things we have to do. The things we want to do can only be done when we don’t have to do something then.

Well, I’m not like that. I don’t want to be like that. I don’t want to postpone things that I want to do because I have so many other things to do. If I have many things to do, so be it. I will find a way to fit in things I want to do. That is the attitude I take up with my reading habit. I have been reading consistently for many years now as a result of this mentality. Now I need to extend this mentality to the other things I want to do.

Part of this approach is due to my impatience. When I read a book, I intend to finish it in the near future. As long as the book holds my interest, I will keep reading it until I’m done. Some books feel too tedious to do so, so after a while I drop it, unfinished, for another book. I don’t want to waste my time on something that takes too much effort on my part for something I want to do because it’s turning into something I have to do.

So, when I say I want to do something, I really do mean it. If it were possible to do it just then, I would. But some things are best done slowly and methodically, like getting a tattoo – which I’ve said before that I will and I still intend to, but this is something I don’t want to rush into as it’ll last forever!

Other things, however, I get the impression that I should need this much of time before I can devote myself to it, like nos. 5 and 6 on the list. But if I think again, what’s wrong with starting now? So what if I may not have the same amount of time every day to set aside for the thing I want to do? I don’t have to do it every day, but I can try to.

So this is my revised want to do list:

1. Have the next Movie Night with Angel and Sesat
Planned date: Early next month, after receiving paycheck
2. Pack for Bangkok (it’s way too early, but I love packing, that’s part of the fun of travelling!)
Planned date: This weekend or next
3. Clean room and rearrange furniture for incoming bookshelf
Planned date: Before leaving for Bangkok
4. Arrange books in bookshelf in alphabetical order according to author
Planned date: Before leaving for Bangkok
5. Improve my English by doing exercises in a grammar book I found
Planned date: Preferably now
6. Improve my proficiency in a foreign language I’ve previously learnt, either through class or self learn
Planned date: Preferably now
7. Prepare for my blogging project
Planned date: Before Bangkok, of course!

I probably won’t be able to complete the list on the planned dates. But this gives me an idea when I should be doing the things I want to do, so I will mentally adjust myself into finding time to fit these things soon. Deadlines give people pressure. I don’t like pressure much, but if it’s for something I want to do, then it’s motivation. If I find that I don’t feel like doing it on the day I planned, it’s alright – I’ll just schedule it for another day. It is flexible, after all.

I hope you don’t think I’m trying to be preachy about this because I certainly have not done all that I’ve said I would. There are blog posts I’ve mentioned in my blog previously about wanting to write them, but they’re still languishing as half-written drafts in my blog. There are lifestyle changes I want to make but have no willpower to do so.

This is just a start for me in my attempt to try and do things I say that I’d do. I know a few people who are all talk and no action, and their talk bugs me somewhat because to me, action speaks louder than words. Don’t just say it, do it. And while it’s fine to postpone what you want to do for what you have to do, when those want-to-dos keep getting pushed behind the queue and the have-to-dos just keep cutting the queue, you might want to take some time and think if you’re treating yourself, your interests or your family the way they deserved to be treated. That, or maybe deep down you don’t really want to do it.

Comments on: "I Don’t Have To; I Want To" (10)

  1. me too! i need to improve my engrish! speering, gremmer end pronowciasien.

    sulz: sampat! come, you pay me and i teach you eeemproof ingreesh. :mrgreen:

  2. I am going to Bombay this weekend, so you shall get your postcard soon!

    PS: I so need a bookshelf too. All my books are in the cupboard and I hate keeping them like that! 😦

    sulz: yay! i hope to send your postcard in bangkok itself.

    yeah, mine are piled up on my chest of drawers and it’s beginning to look like some sort of secondhand bookshop or a warehouse that stores books. 😆

  3. You inspired me to steal this idea and make my own. Mwuahahaha!

    sulz: hah, i had an idea what’s it gonna be even before i saw it. 😉

  4. Hey sis,

    I got married 😀 . I don’t spend much time in front of a pc nowadays. My hubby is the most fun guy ever and that leaves me with almost no time to do blog-related time-spending.

    But now that I am here, I want to share my I-need-to:

    1. I need to learn how to manage time more efficiently.
    2. I need to learn CSS.
    3. I need to save money for um… “surprise vacations”.

    Take care and all the best!

    sulz: hey there, yeah i think you told me that the last time you came by. 🙂 err, if you don’t have much time to blog why the need to learn css? but time management and saving money… we could all learn how to do that better!

  5. Wow, NG got married? W00t.
    I like your lists! Lists like this are great because you have defined your priorities. It’s ok if you don’t do every single thing every single day. Just seeing them there on your list keeps them in mind.
    You don’t put “show up for work” on your list? 😛

    sulz: so it seems! 🙂 hahaha… you know that’s definitely not my priority! a responsibility, yes, but not a priority. 😎

  6. oops, accidentally double-commented. Please take out the first one with the wrong usage. 😳

    sulz: comment overdose. 😛

  7. I like lists! Except I never distinguish between stuff I want to do and stuff I need to do, so that’s perhaps not so smart… 🙂 Then again, sometimes it’s not clear which is which.

    I despise deadlines, but then I’ve never set myself deadlines for things I want to do, so maybe that’s the difference. By setting yourself deadlines, you show that you really do mean to do that stuff. Yay for determination! 🙂

    sulz: you feeling better already, bobby? 🙂 if you want to do something you need to, then it’s more want than need, or so it may seem!

    oh i like deadlines actually. it gives me an idea how much time i’m supposed to require to complete a task. and while the pressure is on, sometimes i perform better that way.

    i have yet to do any of the stuff on the list yet 😳 but the weekend’s coming! cross fingers i’ll finish some then, hehe.

  8. go sulz!

    I so totally agree with this idea of urs. I guess everyone has want-to-do things too…so i’ll take ur idea and make a list of my own!!!

    btw… how will u really take out time?? u gotta let me know that!


    sulz: good, i hope that will set your want-to-do things going! 🙂

    ah, the secret of the list is that it reminds you that you want to do this. so during the course of the day or week, when you get unexpected free time, you will think about doing those things on the list! just yesterday i decided to rearrange the furniture in my room as i got the bookshelf, even though i planned to do it some other time. so, half the item on the list has been accomplished already! 😀

  9. I need to learn CSS cos I plan to design wordpress themes some day before I die! Even if I don’t blog much, it would be an honour if bloggers use themes I create.

    sulz: ah, trying to bring out the designer in you! if you’d give me a free css upgrade i’d use your skins. :mrgreen:

  10. I think this is a good way to point out the achievable targets in the near future. And don’t get lazy and spoil any of them. 😛

    sulz: except the one thing which i’ve done recently on the list, i haven’t got quite about the rest. 😳 but let’s see what today brings for the list! 🙂

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