blogging gobbledygook and such

Apparently am a bit empty up there, so let’s do some fluffy stuffy. 😛

These are apparently the celebrities I quite resemble. While I can’t show you my picture here (you can search for it, though, ask me how in the comments), you can tell I have a toothy grin in it. 😀 Shame I don’t look half as pretty as those gorgeous Asian celebrities I supposedly resemble! And I’d never thought I resemble Anuar Zain (a Malaysian singer), haha!


Also apparently, these are my age in other planets! I wouldn’t mind being in Mars if I could relive my preteen years… though I’d probably make the same mistakes as I did, knowing how stubborn I can be, sigh. But if I could go having my current mental state, that would be quite fun, I think. 😉


Oooh, here’s one you’d like if you’re from the forums (ie if you find Club Penguin bloggers insufferable). Actually, even if you’re not, you’d still like it. Below I’ve posted proof of my high score. I’m sure somebody can beat that easily (I’m not good at games); what’s yours? 🙂

Updated: My high score is now 308.1; too lazy to create another screenshot of it. 😛


Your Nutritional Information:
Servings Per Container: 1
% Daily Value
Sweetness: 31 g 62%
Bitterness: 463 mg 42%
Power: 26 g 74%
Healthful: 38 mg 15%
Excitement: 666 mg 61%
Deliciousness: 12%

‘What is your nutritional value?’ at

And finally, I am apparently not very healthy for your consumption! I mean, look at the sweetness – I could give you diabetes! And under healthful, I’m really lacking! Oh no, I’m such a bad influence; I’m like a big giant slice of chocolate cake, warm and moist and gooey and oh so bad… 😉

Comments on: "Apparently All Fluffed Out" (17)

  1. The Collage thingy is cool. I resemble Albert Einstein. 😀 I’ll post it soon. Hahahaha. Thanks a lot.

    sulz: you’re welcome; can’t wait to see yours! 😉 make sure you post a picture of yourself for comparison!

  2. Lolz 😀 my statistics are
    Sweetness: 25 g 50%
    Bitterness: 212 mg 19%
    Power: 18 g 51%
    Healthful: 232 mg 93%
    Excitement: 912 mg 83%
    Deliciousness: 8%

    😦 😦 I m not delicious no one will want to eat hooo.. 😦 Well positive side if I get stranded on somewhere with cannibals around they will spare me. 😀

    sulz: oh, but you are sweet and healthy! you must be a papaya or some fruit. 😀

  3. ericltkong said:

    halo there, thanx for dropping at mu blog. cheers…

    sulz: thanks for returning the visit. 🙂

  4. Firstly, you don’t resemble Raven.

    Secondly, that game is fucking addictive. I was playing with Bharat and it took me almost 45 minutes to achieve my highest score yet which is 320.9 😀 😀


    Sweetness: 13 g 26%
    Bitterness: 397 mg 36%
    Power: 14 g 40%
    Healthful: 161 mg 64%
    Excitement: 200 mg 18%
    Deliciousness: 70%

    I’m delicious. Heh. 😀

    sulz: haha, and here i thought maybe i don’t look so bad if i resemble raven just a tiny bit. 😀

    hahaha, i know! i haven’t closed the browser i opened the game in. hope you beat bharat after all that trying! 😛

    hmm, you aren’t sweet, but you are healthy and delicious… potato? i love potatoes. 😀

  5. That celebrity face thing is funny… like, “yea!! I Rz JUST Lk THESE PPL! WE HAVE EYEZ AND MOUTHS! ZOMG!!”

    The only thing I have in common with my results is being part of the human species.

    sulz: lol! haha, did the results say you resemble some weird celebrity or something? 😉

  6. I don’t know who Fiona Xie is, but she’s clearly avoiding her destiny by refusing to stalk me. 🙂

    sulz: rotfl! she’s a singaporean celebrity, if i’m not mistaken. 🙂

  7. So apparently I look like:

    -John Cusack (83%)
    -James Gandolfini (aka Tony Soprano) (75%)
    -Kenneth Branagh (71%)
    -Chuck Yeager (70%)
    -Natalie Merchant (WTF?????) (70%)
    -Sam Neil (70%)
    -Patrick Swayze (70%)

    I think the words you’re looking for are “yeah right.” 🙂

    sulz: hahaha! i love that your facial features are in touch with their feminine side. 😀

  8. I got a lot of asians…

    Well, I selected a few, and used two pictures.

    For a person who mocks the application, it’s a little too much, but it was fun!


    sulz: two asians isn’t that many what. i think that thora birch girl looks like you most! and at least you don’t resemble someone of the opposite sex like poor kevin, haha.

  9. I tried this twice and every time it said “no face detected” so I posted a big pic of No Face from Spirited Away. He grows powerful by consuming the powerful emotions he generates in others; gee, does that sound like anyone you know?

    sulz: haha, that’s weird! hmm, i don’t think i know anyone like that. 😀

  10. Raven isn’t pretty. 😐

    And yes, I did beat Bharat. I got 320.9 which beat his 320.5. But he still holds the record for the least at 64.7. I got 65.something. 0 doesn’t count, btw.

    I like potatoes too. Does that mean I’ll eat myself? Okay, that’s scary.

    sulz: she is! isn’t she? ❓

    haha, guys are so competitive. i got 0s like every other try in the penguin game, haha.

    just as long as you don’t do it literally – that would be freaky! 😮 hahaha.

  11. Your Nutritional Information:
    Servings Per Container: 1

    Daily Value Sweetness: 4 g 8%
    Bitterness: 44 mg 4%
    Power: 9 g 26%
    Healthful: 172 mg 69%
    Excitement: 686 mg 62%


    I am not sure this test understands me at all! 😉

    sulz: haha, why? did you expect to be sweeter or less exciting? 😛 i’d think you’re as healthy as the quiz incidates though! 🙂

  12. Sweetness: 31 g 62%
    Bitterness: 63 mg 6%
    Power: 6 g 17%
    Healthful: 85 mg 34%
    Excitement: 642 mg 58%
    Deliciousness: 49%

    A bit incorrect because whats more powerful than being [future] Emperor of the World? 😛

    At least I’m more delicious than you! 😛

    sulz: hahaha, you sure are lacking in power. maybe that will change as your blog gains more readership in time. 😉

    more delicious and more healthy too. 😦 i should just tell my readers to read your blog instead. 😆

  13. I only got like 191 in the penguin game, then I got frustrated.

    Hahaha you called Reema a papaya, knowing you that’s no compliment.

    Sweetness: 43 g 86%
    Bitterness: 608 mg 55%
    Power: 18 g 51%
    Healthful: 78 mg 31%
    Excitement: 639 mg 58%

    Deliciousness: 49%

    Nobody is more delicious than ish, Sulz, this is the proof that he’s the one. HA

    sulz: haha, you’re definitely not crazy competitive like ish and bharat who raced against each other to get the highest score like they are a couple of twelve-year-olds! 😛 (just kidding, guys, hehe)

    err… well, i’m sure many people like papaya! and i could eat a papaya if the texture is right, not too ripe but not too unripe either, though i’d forever be haunted by memories of being forced to eat it. *shudder*

    hmm, you are sweet and delicious and bitter… you are dark chocolate! 😀 as for ish, haha… i’m sure he is the one, to whoever his future girlfriend may be! 😉

  14. I dont know you so I took it as a normal consolation u were offering..even compliment…now it looks like smthg else…as people who know u better r saying…Hmm…

    sulz: oh, i was just teasing you. (please don’t mind me, i like to tease. a lot!) no negative connotations intended! it’s just that i have a bad history with papaya, though when i said you remind me of one, i wasn’t thinking about that at all. i mean, papayas are sweet and healthy on their own, aren’t they? 🙂

  15. […] Posted by Reema under ABOUT ME, HUMOUR | Tags: Games, Humor |   I got this funny game from Sulz’s post. I had once read somewhere that there are atleast 7 people in the world having same facial […]

  16. It says my deliciousness is 98%. No wonder dogs drool and run after me as soon as they see me.

    sulz: hehe, maybe you use too many honey-based products? 😛

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